Codes Bible – Finding
(Section 4)
By Wally Santos
The codes that they have found speak of historical data:
4- Mathematical laws, theorems and names of who they invented them: Proudhon, Newton, Kock.
5 - Illnesses: virus, diabetes, name of the medicine “insulin” and “AIDS” (in Gen. 5:11, 6:12, 19:54) and a great quantity of more discoveries.
Information obtained in several of the hundred of existent pages in Internet says that "a group of 8 scientific Israelis was divided in 2 investigation groups, one directed by the professor Wienes (Haifa University) and another directed by the professor Moshe Katz (Barilan University) with the purpose of making an investigation work on the first 5 books of the Bible or Torah, using scientific processes as the mathematical method through computers of high resolution looking for words and expressions for jumps of letters but with codes and more specific frequencies and also using "the reading of two dimensions" (the equivalent one to the "soup of letters") reading the biblical texts as if it was a followed movie, that is to say without spaces among the letters.
This group takes 20 years of work and it has consulted to other scientists as Rosemberg, Daron Witzum, D. Kazhdan and statistical worldwide well-known as Elie Mertsavach, but they have only published a very small part of their discoveries for the "evident repercussions" that this would have in the world and the religions.
The rabbi Weismendel said that the Bible contains coded true messages which are finding eliminating certain number of letters according the frequency to elected (it can be each 7, 50 or 23) and this is called "code." He discovered this way that among the 5 books of Bible a great symmetry existed and later on the computers demonstrated that it could not be fruit of the random.
Many of the codes describe historical and prophetic facts for that time, but for us today they are no longer it, that is to say, the past and the present can be sounded through this methodology, among those discoveries they are:
1 – The Shoa: it is the historical term to designate the extermination of the Jewish people of Europe for Hitler during Second World War. In the expression "Nimrod vigorous hunter before Jehova" appear "enemy", "Hitler", if we continue with the squares (Array Data) to appears "Ashkenaz" that is the Hebrew name of Germany, "Nazi", "slaughter", "Hitler", "he will exterminate" and all this finds in the verse “the man's heart is bad from its youth" Genesis 8:21.
2 - The French Revolution: a array data of 647 letters allows to read in Genesis 44:5 the following thing: "in France" and "the king Luis", "Hem " in Gen. 39:20 and "terror", it "guillotines" in Gen. 43:32 and in Gen. 40:19 when José tells to the official of the Pharaoh: “in 3 days Pharaoh will remove your head of above you...” to appear "cut head", "decapitated" and a date 21-1 and "Marseillais."
3 - The president's murder Sadat: Egyptian president that died murdered while it´s was carried out a parade in 1981. In Gen. 18:23 appear "a president it will be killed during a parade", "1981, "Conspiracy" "Hadad murderer" and "last name Istambuli."
4- Mathematical laws, theorems and names of who they invented them: Proudhon, Newton, Kock.
5 - Illnesses: virus, diabetes, name of the medicine “insulin” and “AIDS” (in Gen. 5:11, 6:12, 19:54) and a great quantity of more discoveries.