domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010

The Bible Codes

The Bible Codes
(Section 1)
By Wally Santos

Surely, for many people that read this article, this topic is new and they don't know to what they refer the biblical codes.


In simple words, they are words that are hidden in the text of Torah (he first five books of the Old Testament). These words or codes, are formed letter for letter to each 10, 20 or "X" quantity of distance letters the one of the other one (without including the spaces that separate the words or punctuation signs). When it´s takes that range of separation of 10, 20 or "X" quantity of letters, they are formed "letter array " (producing a regular grid of text ) from that selected quantity.

For example: Let us suppose that we take the range of 10 letters. Then we place the biblical text with a maximum longitude of 10 letters (or characters = Ch), after the 10 letters, we continue in the following line, and in that way successively, until the text that interests us to investigate concluding. At the end, we will have kind of a "grid" of letters (similar to the games that we call "Soup of Letters"). To this grid it´s called "Data Array” And it is in this Data Array they can form words in vertical form, diagonal, etc. To this method they call him the investigating " Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS). Of course that with the arrival of the computers, this process is made to a great speed.

Restrictive? According to the investigators, it only works in the Hebrew Bible (in Hebrew language).