Biblical Codes – Antecedents
(Section 2)
In the XIV Century, the rabbi Rabbeynu Bachayah noticed that in Torah a pattern of letters was described (Torah is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible). Six hundred years later, (20 Century) in the decade of the years 20's the rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl (1903-1957), Jew-Czechoslovakian brilliant erudite in astronomy, mathematics and Hebrew studies, found the old writings of rabbi's Bachayah. The previous years to Second World War, Weissmandl began to explore some examples of codes written in Torah. Already during Second World War, he discovered certain words or significant sentences. It experienced that when forming jumps to each certain number of letters, they could be formed these words, with which were formed sentences, eliminated the spaces of course. Due to this jump of Words, he was called to this procedure "Equidistant Letter Sequence” or (ELS).
This discovery caused a great astonishment in Weissmandl, when finding a great quantity of words coded (or hide) in Torah to equidistant intervals. The intervals were of different quantities in letters, for example, a letter to each 22 letters, they formed coherent words. Where each code (or sentence) to search for was to certain interval in the previously described way, in the Hebrew language. Of course, the Rabbi Weissmandl was not totally sure if this discovery was really significant or not.